Saturday, March 8, 2008

C++ Assignment 2

Yesterday we completed our last assignment from the C++ unit, which was the hardest yet! We had to create a program that asked for the user's first and last name so that the program would personalize its output messages using their initials. Then it would ask for the user to enter in a percentage that they have in a certain subject. After they enter it and press [Enter] , a letter grade of the corresponding percentage would be displayed for them with their initials in the output message. This required us to use a do...while (conditional) loop so that the question keeps repeating so they could enter different percentages until they use a percentage that is less than 0. If they input a negative number, the program ends. Now that we are finished with the C++ unit, we will be starting a hello world test for Java very shortly. Stay tuned for another post on our first program with Java!

Until next time!

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