"Hello World" in Turbo Pascal
This program does nothing more than display two words of text in a specific position in a red colour. The program uses GoToXY to position the words in a certain spot on the screen. To skip lines in the program I used Writeln;.
Program Hello;
{ This program displays 'Hello, World!' near the centre of the screen.
Eliza Labrador
ICT 12 Block D
September 11 2007 }
Begin { Main }
Writeln('Hello, World!');
Writeln('I might like to become a medical imager.');
Writeln ('Press [Enter] to stop');
End. { Main }
Hello World in Visual BasicWe created a ‘form’ or program that displays three types of information: two labels (text), an image, and a command button. We were able to change the color, font style, and size for the labels and resize an image. Finally, we used a command that allows the user to end the program when they click the “End” button using the following code (Private Sub cmdQuit_Click() Unload Me. We edited the Name of each aspect, as well as the captions that display on the program. Each “Name” began with an abbreviation composed of three lower case letters (ex: imgND, lblHeading.)
'Introductory Hello World Program
'By Eliza Labrador
'ICT 12 D
'October 22, 2007
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
imgND.Visible = True
lblHelloWorld.Visible = True
End Sub
Hello World in C++Hello World in Python
In this program, we use the word "print" for output statements
-----------------------------------------------------------------------In this program, we use the word "print" for output statements
Here we used a 'cout' statement to display words. "endl;" was used to skip lines.
// My First C++ Program
// February 2007
// Eliza Labrador
using namespace std;
void main () //void means that this function (program)
//returns nothing after it has run
cout << "Hello world by Eliza Labrador";
cout << "My program runs" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout <<>